Friday, September 10, 2021

bit cranky

This is what you fuckin' want on a day of onerous tasks isn't it. So obviously I had to get tested ASAP so I went to the RMH. Last time I was there, it was a fairly quick process but this time there was a long queue. You just have to bite the bullet. 

The test is really fucking unpleasant but it's over fast and I knew the chances I had been infected were super low (actually I don't even know if the test picks up if you're carrying Covid without actually having it - that's a thing, right?). I do know I could still have it even though vaccinated. 
These are all on the traffic light pole when you come out of the hospital. So, anyway I had to go straight home and isolate until I got the all-clear. It took about 9-10 hours to hear the unsurprising news. In the meantime I watched the documentary on the Go-Gos, which I have to say was OK but not earth shattering, they seem like interesting people I guess. I also made this amazing bread - I feel like I've hit the jackpot finally on how to make amazing bread! After all this time. It's a bit of rye flour (organic) and the el cheapo cake / pizza flour from Cheaper Buy Miles. It's just so great!
Still I feel like today was a bit of a waste, although I did take the opportunity to do some minor admin tasks - the little things that I often avoid because they seem like death by a thousand cuts. Right now it's quite late (midnight actually) and I'm listening to Jen Cloher, who's always good. 

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