Thursday, July 01, 2021

världen är liten

I occasionally peek at the stats for my blog. I am not obsessy about it, because after all, why bother. I am amazed anyone reads this stuff at all, as it's unlikely really to mean anything to anyone other than me and Nancy and a few other nearest and dearest and even they are unlikely to get too much of enormous value out of it - IMO. Particularly since I am fairly sure it's repetitive anecdotes and/or versions of the same general philosophies, if you could call them that. Anyway. I am still intrigued at the top five above, although frankly I am not sure what period that covers - the last 15 years or however long it's been since I started this shizzle? The last year? The last month? It's not clear. Nor is it really important. It is weird though that Sweden is leading the way, it's not famous for its bots, but maybe that's what they want you to believe. The Netherlands, similarly, I don't really get although when it comes down to it, I don't absolutely get any of these countries' interest particularly, although of course I know all too well that the majority of visitors are coming attracted by the blood-in-the-water of a particular keyword or one of the very popular entries I have come up with such as the one where I muse on the words to the H R Pufnstuf theme song or the one where I muse on Knockout comic from the 70s. I'm not going to link to them you'll only click on them and continue to skew the demographic for those especially boring entries though tbf maybe slightly less boring than most of the others, at least in what they promise. Since you've read this far I'll tell you what I've been doing today: I was writing a lecture this morning, and watching The Towering Inferno (I'm about half way through it) - this is not as random as it seems, or at least, it is but the lecture was at least in part about The Towering Inferno. Then I had two meetings, one IRL and one online, with men whose PhDs I am cosupervising. Then I tried to revise/boil down my CV for an application I'm helping someone with at work and it didn't save, so I spent probably all up one fruitless hour divided into two fruitless half-hours in contact with Apple to try and figure out why, when I have almost 300GB of memory on my laptop, a simple word document was causing the computer to tell me I had no memory left. I got some messages from Alanna asking if I would be able to go to Daylesford or Castlemaine or wherever the hell it is Jon Michell lives to record some drums/percussion on a couple of her wonderful songs, which of course I would, although I am woefully out of practice when it comes to drums and never really mastered percussion (yet). Also, late in the day a delivery man came and gave me some things I had ordered in the mail, including this book by Bret Lunsford which looks really good and suitably delightfully esoteric (I haven't read much of it yet, but I note that Harry Smith doesn't get born until around p. 83 of a 200-page narrative, which by the way I'm fine with). Also some recent record releases from K and some button badges which I didn't order but I'm very happy to have. 
Pretty cool huh

So tonight I think I will most likely finish watching The Towering Inferno, maybe have a light supper... packet soup? Possibly finish drinking the bottle of Lakka I have in the fridge and maybe try and write some more book-chapter-that-has-been-hindered-by-the-house-move, and also possibly put a few more things away, although I'm really hanging out for Lachlan to build my shelves - then I'll know I'm really ensconced, although the curtains in the bedroom are a very find grounding (thank you Laura). 


lucy tartan said...

You’re welcome David.

David said...

Can't go past a find grounding. What did I mean by that

d4 the toffee apple man

  27 June 1973. I am not quite sure when it was - probably about season 3 - was the absolute worst Homicide episode, ending in a christmas s...