Thursday, July 01, 2021

midway 2021

Alright so I will say that 2021 has been extremely unexpected overall, but then, what year does turn out the way you expect? I hope I never have one like that. I am sitting here in my new home, there are things piled up everywhere because I don't feel enabled to settle properly until I get my shelves built (the install I think starts on Friday - waiting to hear) so I have, for instance, a huge pile of CDs atop a cabinet and I haven't even really started thinking about unpacking CDs (CDs are like something I don't even really think about much, and the ones I have are only around because essentially I throw very little of anything out - !).  I also have a big pile of junk at one end of my car parking space down below. 

It has come to my attention that a pipe in the ceiling outside the laundry is leaking, so that's the first big wake-up call re: home ownership, but OK, I can handle whatever it takes for the right to put pictures on the wall as I please and not have an inspection every six months. I have been told in any case that this might be remedied today... we'll see... (not because anyone responded to my request for a repair, but because a repair was scheduled anyway). I also have ordered a new stove because the stove here sucks and also - unpleasantly - it's kind of grimy and I deserve better. So I will receive my due soon enough. 

The big problem for me that worries me the most is Helmi is clearly very unsettled and unhappy, and while I actually wouldn't have described her as happy at Parkville, at least there were times when she would come out and spend the day with me and Nancy. Now, as far as I can tell, she has not left the bedroom and adjoining bathroom since we got here and spends most of her time either under the bed or in hiding somewhere, I'm not sure where. I hope she will rally soon because it can't be good for her to be so scared and sad. 

Otherwise, everything's pretty great, to be honest. 

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