Saturday, July 03, 2021

a review of the winduptoys from fifteen years ago

Double Exposure
Clan Analogue

Winduptoys really know how to string it together. ‘Lost and found’ is not entirely non-reminiscent of Herbie Hancock’s ‘Rockit’. ‘WindupDUB’ has this kind of Arabic, painted-mural-on-a-café-wall kind of aspect that the trebly reggae beat does not dispel. ‘Switched on’ has a similarly wild muslim feel, which has to be embraced. Other tracks take a really revolutionary unbassy but furious, heady approach, suggesting that these are not just a couple of guys probing around with jacks and units, but actual thinkers making thoughtful and, well, atmospheric (though atomspheric would be a better word) somewhat druggy music that would have gone down really well in that scene in the film Dalmas where the cops bust the trippy club. Sometimes the psychedelia buttons get stuck and the guys are just there, in their pyjamas, eating Angas Park dried fruit salad and constantly probing their ears with their pinkies because they hear this whining noise. And at the same time you can see the most definite trails back to rock, Public Image (who they cover) style rock, or the Pop Group who have always been a personal favourite of mine, or back further to blues workouts from the 60s, or The Twilights or whatever. Absolutely highly recommended, my friends.

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