Saturday, July 31, 2021

is dis a system

Crazy situation that I now find myself in of having a sore throat (woke me up a couple of times) and unemotional tearing up so I bit the bullet and went and got a covid test. Ridiculous, because I am fully vaccinated despite the best efforts of the federal government to withhold that option. I gather there is a small percentage of people who can get the virus anyway despite being vaccinated (but it doesn't kill them - is that how it's supposed to work?) but the only way I could possibly have got it is if someone from the government crept into the house and sprayed me with germs as I slept, because I have never not been eminently sensible re: covid caution. Anyway, the actual test was every bit as gross as I imagined it would be, and very uncomfortable but whatever. It was easy to walk into the Royal Melbourne (thank you Elizabite, Queen of Australia)* and took no time whatsoever. The weirdest thing was having to give my name, DOB and phone number thrice in ten minutes but the second time being asked if I still lived at 1 Scott St, Hawthorn. Well, I last lived there in 1984 (I actually told them 1982 but that was just because I was so surprised, I couldn't do the maths). (I guess if it ever comes up again and someone reads off a screen that I hadn't lived there since 1982 I'll know dis is a system). Apparently the RMH has merged its records with the Children's; I was last a patient at the Children's in 1977 when I was 12. (Some RCH records overrode the RMH records, but that's a moot point for me as I have never been an RMH patient, though I have been a visitor there eg when my father had his car accident two years ago). 

So anyway now I'm self-isolating, so send hopes and prayers. I expect to get a result later today, I'm told they are super-speedy at RMH. My phone is charging downstairs so who knows perhaps they are already calling me to say pack your bags you're going to covid detention. Speaking of which, this is probably not the way to deal with possible illness, but I am half way through reading the profile of Michaelia Cash in the Good Weekend today. Fuck me ragged, what a comprehensively horrible person. I cannot but see her as the epitome of awfulness. But the article (by Jane Cadzow) feels fair. Michaelia C seems very Perth. I admit I kind of like that (Cadzow takes MC to task for the way she speaks, which I find interesting, seems to be an unspoken Pru-Tru thing to it ('She pronounces “to” as “toe”, and “you” as “yoe”.') I have known Perth people who do this and tbh initially I thought they were putting it on but ultimately I figured it's just a way of talking. It's not illegal. OK so I will say that MC's love of cats is a plus, but you know, H****** loved cats didn't he, or at least, that's the kind of thing people say to get out of regarding some people as irredeemable. Which btw from my pov she probably is, but you know what I mean. 

* I went on a search for the real Elizabite and I was surprised to find only this image of the book's cover:

Now, that is the book I remember having as a child, but the subtitle I'm almost certain was not a part of my copy and it seems to spoil the overall, I guess I would think that, as it's a disgusting intrusion on my treasured childhood. Makes me want to get a copy of this book, which I enjoyed, and definitely no subtitle on the cover, if I can only get one with a subtitle, I'll white it out. 

Update: got the result back, I don't have the coronavirus. 

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