Sunday, September 01, 2019

I didn't...

keep reading the John Taylor book, although I kind of skimmed it to the end. I wanted to see whether he talked about the last ten or twenty years with as much detail as the first thirty (of his life) and yeah nah. I don't have any Duran Duran records. I find 'Planet Earth' a massively annoying song. I like 'Careless Memories'. I can't stand 'Girls on Film', but I do like 'A View to a Kill' and 'The Reflex', also 'Hungry Like a Wolf' in fact when I think about it it's really only the two above mentioned I really don't care for. I think I should invest in some albums, maybe Rio. I have a weird feeling I might have owned Rio for a while. I want the Power Station album too. I like the singles and maybe I would love some of the other tracks.

Meanwhile here is what I've been playing to the cats lately...

The second Utopia album called Utopia
The Red Crayola's Three Songs on a  Trip to the USA - always a huge hit around here
Al Stewart's Year of the Cat album - played that about four times this weekend
Both the Lilliput albums

TBH I think that's about it. I do have a sweet ass stereo system now so I really should play more stuff at home, but when there's no-one to annoy but cats, it feels a little empty.


Wayne Davidson said...

This is one of the few Duran songs I return to

David Nichols said...

Yeah, that's pretty good, I admit.

d4 the toffee apple man

  27 June 1973. I am not quite sure when it was - probably about season 3 - was the absolute worst Homicide episode, ending in a christmas s...