Saturday, September 20, 2014

walk to strathmore this morning

The wetlands area just south of the ring road, quite clogged with weed. 

I heard a bird making a grumpy sound and looked around and here it was. Not sure if you can see it though.
New graffiti at the point where Moonee Ponds Creek comes out from its short experimentation with undergrounding. 

Summer's on its way, someone washed their enormous pants.

Sex Pistols graffiti and even some vintage Foo aka Kilroy 
So many dogs to meet on this trip, I didn't photograph many interactions because the polite thing to do is stand around and look like a responsible dog owner.

These guys are such country gents
 Cool sculpture

And this is where my battery went dead. So much more 20 September, 2014 magic to capture! Well to cut a long story short, we went to Strathmore, I ordered a big breakfast at the Corner Cafe but they didn't give me enough toast (no-one ever does) and so I gave my poached eggs to the boys, win/win probably since I shouldn't really eat eggs and I don't even really like them that much, I was just too tired and footsore to start negotiating. We took the train back to Jacana and walked from there. Now they are s l e e p i n g.

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