Wednesday, September 10, 2014

abbotsford market

I went to Abbotsford Market on the weekend, sorry it took me a while to tell you all about it. The first thing that struck me was the bourgeois nature of the stallholders’ (I assume) parked cars which you can see here. The second thing was the smallness and the reasonableness and the interestingness of most of the stalls. True to form I bought mainly junk and records, by which I mean, two Albert Ayler CDs one of which (I’ve only listened to one) is a-ma-zing. I also bought a small stable (by which I mean, a model of one; ‘it looks handmade’ said the man, who mustn’t have had his Weeties yet, of course it was friggin’ handmade, what a bizarre comment) a tea pot and two mugs that might have been once the property of Fred and Betty Flintstone, they look very rough-hewn and stoney. (If you will indulge me in an irrelevant aside, or indulge me indulging myself etc, I remember The Flintstones as the first show I ever saw on what was then known as Channel 0, it later became Channel 10, it was at the Curtains’ house opposite Princes Park in Kew, I felt, though I am not sure if this was true, that we were not allowed to watch Channel 0 at our house, maybe we just couldn’t receive it, but my father was very embittered by Reg Ansett’s promise to fill Channel 0 with quality programming, a promise he did not live up to, let me tell you). There was also a coffee stall (ground coffee), a sausage sizzle, plants, soy candles, and these nice blankety-shawly things that in truth I don’t know what the use was. All in all, it was diverting but hardly essential, as they say.

I also went to Coburg trash and treasure but I have even less to say about THAT.

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