Monday, April 14, 2014

the future aitken boulevard

I don't know if you've had a look at the new Melways but I'm telling you things are going to happen in this part of the park. This is to be the route of the final (?) leg of Aitken Boulevard, a road the City of Hume are currently patting themselves on the back over, as they celebrate its northernmost point at Craigieburn. The idea is that this road will eventually make its way all the way down to Jacana and hit the Western Ring Road. This is destined to be the last 30 seconds of the drive:

This tree will be in the way.

This is the road that was built when the Western Ring Road widening was happening. I suppose that it will be torn up and replaced with the new Aitken Boulevard in those final approaches.
These dogs are just impervious to the implications of this change. They are just thrilled that it rained all week and the lake is filled up again. 

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d4 the toffee apple man

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