Friday, September 07, 2012

porn asha

Like a lot of individuals with hangups when Asha cuts loose she really cuts loose. This is a cat who spends most of her days hiding in enclosed spaces, be it under the blankets, in the sock drawer, under the spare bed or in some other place actually unknown. Then every so often she shows this other side of her personality, as happened recently when it was sunny outside and she found a spot on the spare bed with the sun coming through the window. She thought this picture was tasteful. 

* Five months later (Dec 2012): a big huzzah for the hundreds of dickheads who have come to this blog post looking, I assume, for porn. Hope you enjoyed the cat porn. If you were a cat looking for porn I imagine the pose here probably doesn't have the visceral thrill cats want in cat cheesecake, though a few toms might have tastes that way. Asha says hi. 

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