Anyway I am about to catch my plane, so if it crashes let's just remember the good times alright. There have been plenty of them and you will have many more, unless my plane crashes into you.
* NB next day note: the plane didn't crash. I sat next to a tall young American man who did some stupid 'logic' puzzles in a little book all the way - I call them stupid because I couldn't work out what on earth they were about - and his young chinless Australian partner. The only time he wasn't doing his logic puzzles was when the two of them were discussing the news which was being shown in the little screens on the seat backs and he was quizzing her about state and federal governors, which he seemed to be confusing with state premiers and prime ministers, and she wasn't helping much, though she did know Quentin Bryce's name, but she also thought Christina Kenneally was the premier of Queensland.
I want you to know that I thought the second paragraph was excellent.
nuh-uh, it is childish and hackneyed.
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