I can't recall the year but I do recall being asked to do this cover one night in... whatever city it was I was in somewhere in the US. I didn't get to smoke pot because I was doing this instead. It was one of those rare moments in my life on earth when I wouldn't have minded smoking pot. I suppose this was a better use of my time (?). I really loved Sukpatch and still do.

A photocopy I found of my delightfully primitive colour separations for the let's face it iconic Stumpvision ep. Over the years probably thousands of people have asked me where the text came from. It's time to tell you it's from Mishima. I used these characters again for the Arty Barbecue album. No relation to the record itself or in fact anything.

A recent Cannanes-related record. I did two covers for this Mytty Archer/ Boyracer/ Cannanes split EP. Both were used. This is one I liked less:

This is one I liked a little more, though I don't really get it.

This is a compilation EP cover I drew yesterday. The title was my own invention and may not be used in the final version. I drew these people in a Fleetwood Mac-style array rocking out for the back cover, then decided to put them in a retro 19th century style for the front. I wanted a 19th century family portrait to reference but could only think of LRB's Diamantina Cocktail album, so I used that.

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