No time to write much but I will say I went to Castlemaine on the weekend to visit my sister Nicola and her husband Toby and their offspring Niamh, drove there with my sister Tamsin and her offspring Alice and Olivia. Olivia and I spent some time on a higher part than the strange house N T and N live in building what she christened the dolphin rock house. I was uncertain and I think so was she, whether it was a model of a house or a real stone house as per the lower house, which is stone and brick. Anyway at a certain point I suppose it got too much as she said, 'can I go and get my mum?' and I said, of course and she didn't come back. Although she might say that I didn't wait that long to see if she would. But we didn't discuss it.

Here is a selection of the people who were there, on the verandah. Tamsin, Philippa, Lina, Alice, Olivia and Tania are all in this picture.

It was my birthday the next day. Mia made a perfect cake and April (whose birthday it is, soon!) came over with her people. Her eyes matched her jumper, which incidentally she was not keen to put on for some time. She is a funny girl.
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