Saturday, June 16, 2007

tonight's entertainment

Watched The night we called it a day which was much less awful than the world had led us to believe. The low-budgetness of it - by which I mean the number of massive crowd scenes that clearly only featured 20 people - just added to the impressionisticaciousness of it. Good cast. Some good lines. Good look. And the second last piece of music heard was, wow, 'Silvery moon', my second favourite Sherbet song.

We watched Neighbours and personally I am underwhelmed by Caleb and his 'I've got Stingray's heart' schtick, though I did really like when they told him that they called Scott Stingray and all he said was 'cool'. But really, Sky has just got out of jail after being accused of killing one conman, why so quick to trust again? When I was fooled by that fake clairvoyant and went to jail it took me some weeks before I was ready to go back to clairvoyants again. Or is it clairvuoyant or whatever. Maybe that's how you pick the frauds (fruads?).

Also tonight I listened to these records amongst others: Sunnyboys Individuals and Get some fun, Ian Moss Matchbook, Australian Crawl Sirocco, Sherbet Greatest Hits and though I don't need to point this out probably I will just affirm that these were side 1, side 1, side 2, side 1 and side 2 respectively.

Mia made some excellent soup tonight. I got the ingredients but she made it. Very well might I add. Now she is painting in the back room. All I can hear is the gentle sound of dabbing green (it sounds green) oils on canvas, above Matchbook (still on side two by the way).

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