Saturday, July 27, 2024

new scheme

I had a great idea walking back from Rocksteady this evening which I will put to you succinctly. It will really work. 

You know how there is a scheme where artists whose work is resold (by a public entity, not between private individuals) over the value of $1000 get 5%? Well that should totally be the case for musicians too. 

I was listening to a podcast recently it was an interview with the guy(s?) who started Discogs and I thought gosh - it'd be piss easy for them to incorporate a small percentage payment to the original artist anytime someone buys a record. Of course, the big winners would be shit like Pink Floyd (in fact, PF's Dark Side of the Moon was the example given of an album that probably has more pressings than any other). But, and not to make this about me, I have been involved in some records that are now selling in the $300-$400 range on Discogs, or at least they're priced at that rate I don't know if they're actually selling but that's not the point. 

The tipping point needs to be lower for records because there are more of them, they're not unique art works so let's say - $100. Every time someone sells a record to someone on discogs for more than a hundred dollars, the people who made it - assuming they're registered with the appropriate official arbiter - should get 5%. It's only fair. It will also recompense all those people who put in all the work all that time ago and then didn't really have that career in music they possibly deserved and they wasted their lives and are bitter and a drain on resources. Also, people like me who don't really need the money but, you know, it's only fair. 

Spotify should use its excessive wealth to make this happen and then maybe less people would hate Spotify. Think about it, Spotify! Because you are quite hated! 

Record collectors are not quite the scum of Spotify but they're on the scale. They also deserve to pay extra for being allowed to continue living on Earth. I hate them too. I mean Pink Floyd are the worst of the bunch. 

1 comment:

Wayne Davidson said...

This is an excellent idea

d4 the toffee apple man

  27 June 1973. I am not quite sure when it was - probably about season 3 - was the absolute worst Homicide episode, ending in a christmas s...