So I am in HK as I write this but I have not really actually begun to do anything, I just spent the day getting here, and that's about all I did. I watched five of the six episodes of season 4 of True Detective (it wasn't as good as everyone said, IMO, but good enough, I finally watched the closing credits and realised it was filmed in Iceland not Alaska, which is sort of cool, but really, Iceland is a cooler place to set a show than Alaska). I watched the first episode of CSI Sydney which was just hilariously idiotically bad in my opinion but obviously I'm not the demographic (the demographic = fool Americans who are barely aware there are countries outside America). I read half of a Peter Temple book I'd started reading on the plane back from Ballina and then just stopped knowing I'd have another plane trip coming up. I did some drawing. I slept a little.
Look at the damn fool books I could have bought at Tullamarine this morning. I am so glad I didn't. Though I still occasionally have periodic fantasies about buying all the airport books, understanding what makes them tick, and writing a hugely successful one of my own. But it is a fantasy, I don't have that talent.
I see my near-namesake has a new novel out, which I might check out, as he is a pretty talented author in a light fiction kind of way, not to diminish him, he is also far more talented than me. It's OK.
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