Sunday, June 23, 2024

north melbourne football ground forest


So Perry and I went for a little wander through this clump of trees adjoining the oval at North Melbourne football ground which, if you're reading this from Hong Kong or Canada (the two places where most of my readers reside atm) is a kind of legacy football ground that used to be a full-on legit enclosed arena-style (don't know the terminology) ground with, you know, gates and entrances and stuff but is now more to the form of an ancient ruin where only the earth forms tell you what it might once have been used for (that and the fact that the North Melbourne football club has a huge building on one side). 

I was thinking about that tradition people sometimes adhere to of putting ashes on the ground and I wondered whether this little forest might be a tacit invitation to put your dad's ashes on a hill overlooking the ground so he can watch the training or whatever happens here, for eternity, rather than putting them actually on the ground itself. I don't think you could put a sign up suggesting that (because it's illegal I think?) but it might be seen as the lesser of two or more evils. 

Well, I didn't see any ashes but you never know. 

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