Saturday, June 08, 2024

former gasometer site

This (above) is the site in North Melbourne where the gasometer used to be, I don't actually know when it was demolished but it was some time in the late 70s or early 80s - only guessing. In any case, obviously it was once very prominent in the area and then it was a big empty space with an old building at one corner. Yesterday morning, Perry and I went through the gate (it's mainly a car park now) and had a look around. These are the apartments on the south side. 

This is the car park on the Shiel St (east) side. 
The apartments on the west side. They are definitely on the site of the gasometer. 
Below is a tree that would make a great hiding place. 
The flats on Macaulay Road closer up. 
The old building. It's a medical centre or something weird like that, now. 

 Anyway whatever not much to say about it all really. 

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