Tuesday, June 25, 2024


This young man has been particularly demonic tonight, yapping for me to play with him and doing that weird thing I've known other dogs to do, going into the kitchen and barking at/for something but then refusing to say what. 

He's also been doing that thing of, I swear, rolling his ball under the big cupboard where it's virtually impossible to get it out, certainly he'd never get it out in a million years so I have to get it out, then a couple of minutes later it's under there again. 

I know that at any moment he'll fall asleep - he's still a puppy like that - so I don't want to embark on any major enterprises with him. But in the meantime, a lot of nonsense and carry on. 

I have to say though I enjoy it as well as much as it annoys me. It's cheeky. And of course I enjoy being the centre of attention of someone with such a fluffy head. 

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