Friday, October 06, 2023

toppa 2


So being on strike and therefore not working I slipped into the PROV this afternoon and looked at everything they had relating to Toppa. There was virtually nothing and what there was, was not enlightening I am sorry to say. The main things, apart from that slender accounts report from the 40s above (the most interesting aspect of which was that their factory at this time was in Capel St, North Melbourne, and I use the term 'interesting' not advisedly but actually falsely), was some hard-to-follow court documents where various people had sued (loosely speaking) Toppa for injuries they'd incurred while working for the company. 

Aside from a few things like this (there was also a case of a portable scaffold that fell down), there's another court case where Peters Ice Cream claims that the Toppa people didn't give back a freezer cabinet. There must be more to this than meets the eye. But I don't really get it. 

So I wish I could tell you more about Toppa but at the moment that's all I have, and it's nothing. 

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