Saturday, November 12, 2022

the beginning of the end?

While walking the dogs on the morning of 12 November 2012 I stepped in a hole and fell completely over. I mentioned this to Ann Maudsley this afternoon in the context of a discussion mainly about her great grandmother who just died aged 102. When I fell over I imagined that to anyone who saw me it would have looked like I'd been shot. I thought at the time 'is this the beginning of the end?' I thought it would be a good idea to make a record of this just in case it is the beginning of the end, and I had not made a proper notation of when the end started beginning.

Ann Maudsley said she hoped to live into her 90s, since I think she is currently in her mid-20s this would put her impending death at around 2075 or thereabouts. I actually anticipate living to around 2050 myself but not if I start falling over all the time. 

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d4 the toffee apple man

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