Saturday, November 26, 2022

my art from the old days

...exactly a year ago. I did these things this week (last week of November 2021)

This is the cover of Shane and Dustin's poetry book - as you by now surely know as by November 2022 it will be an extraordinary success. Last week or the week before I told them I would draw a fridge for the cover based on a line from the final poem they threw together at the last minute for layout symmetry which mentions an empty refrigerator. I misremembered the 'empty' bit though so it's full, but I retrojustified that by figuring that it could be full on the front cover and empty by the last page, why not.

The original image of the fridge was just like 3rd or 4th image that came up in google images when I googled 'old refrigerator'. 

I was pretty happy with these guys, who I based on these guys:

I know what you're going to say - why didn't you put them in the window frame with the chip - well, frankly I was worried that the t-shirt details would already be too finicky. 

I know what you're also going to say - that wizard's hat is a bit of a cliche yeah well fuck it! I thought it added to the overall composition as a shape and that's all that mattered in the moment. Oops, I just noticed that the red light should be at the top. Better fix that. (Fixed it). 

I suppose you're also going to point out that I turned a young black man into a very pink man, which is true, but then you tell me what the overall racial makeup is of the three I drew, I'm not going into that. I obviously wasn't presenting them in any kind of realistic way I just wanted to use the way they were walking and the joke being (in case you don't get it) kids wearing Cannanes t-shirts... on a t-shirt. The wizard hat is funny too on that basis because it's an old person's idea of what a young person might wear. Geddit? 

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