Tuesday, November 15, 2022

perry progress

So it will of course not surprise you to hear that this boy is dominating a lot of my time at the moment. He is very personable and a good companion a lot of the time, and a real pain in the arse some of the time, particularly his apparent complete inability to stop himself biting me. It's affectionate. But it's also a fucking nuisance and takes a lot of the pleasure out of our relationship. The biting is particularly prevalent in the evening, and I suspect it happens mainly because he's tired and cranky after a long day of being entertained (and fawned over by basically everyone). Nevertheless, it does bug me. 

But the rest of the time we have fun things in our lives like the way he likes to walk along this little wall
...and how today he went to the staff forum with me (he did not sleep on the seat most of the time - he slept on the floor) and was asleep for the entire thing except at one point when people clapped, and he barked. It was hilarious. The dean called me out by name (he had met the dean the day before and tried to chew her lanyard - as you do). 

Pissing is a problem with Perry and I am perplexed. He seems mainly ok with doing it in the right place and increasingly on command but he is also a bit of a territory marker I think a lot of the time. Today though was the first time I saw him piss, and then kick out with his back legs like a man does. I don't really know what that means, but I know it's something that marks a change out of puppydom.

He is a beautiful little dog, with a lot of fine personality traits and developing skills. He'll go far. 

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