Sunday, June 26, 2022

would it be a waste of life?

20-y.o. Jacki Weaver in Season 4 Episode 30 of Homicide, in which she has a small but important role that's right she gets murdered, thankfully for my nerves offscreen, early in the piece. The man coming through the door is George Mallaby but that's not important right now.

I really feel like there is a case to be made for a full episode-by-episode guide to Homicide. It would have to be a few volumes. Possibly you could fit an episode to a page (A4) if you had some extra material like, for instance, actor biographies elsewhere in the book(s). (I would also put spoilers at the back, with a ref eg 'see spoilers page 119'). The main things I'd require in a Homicide guide would be as much detail as possible on where things were filmed, any of the businesses seen or mentioned in the shows; simple things like first date aired, etc; information on for instance elements of the show to watch out for which serve as commentary on current events (for instance, casual discussion of decimalisation or one line I noticed early in the series where someone cracks a joke about a bridge falling down). So, it would be a historically relevant guide to a tv show to help people use the show itself as a source for cultural (eg theatre, film etc) history and the history of Melbourne. 

I would also have a simple 'does this episode pass the Bechdel test?' box for each episode. 9.9 times out of 10 the answer would of course be no. 

It could be a branded series. I'm immediately thinking of a cross-bred play on 'OK Boomer' and Austen Tayshus' joke 'Boomer rang'. All I would need was a logo that made an Ericofon look like a boomerang and no-one would need to ask what the 'rang' bit has to do with anything. 

The question is whether at 57 I really want to spend a lot of time on this kind of thing. But I do plan to live at least another 40 years so why not. 

Update 27/6: I decided life was too short to pursue this idea. 

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d4 the toffee apple man

  27 June 1973. I am not quite sure when it was - probably about season 3 - was the absolute worst Homicide episode, ending in a christmas s...