Sunday, January 02, 2022

sort-of tidying

Well so it's way too hot to go out (again) I should have gone out at 7am when I woke up but I thought today was going to be a take-it-easy kind of day it's low 30s not high 30s but still just way too hot. So. I haven't been moving much - I did bake bread - the bread went mad, I was checking it and checking it and it wasn't rising and then suddenly it was pouring over the sides, it's OK I rescued it and it's fine (maybe a bit too I don't know fluffy for my liking? But fine) so cross that off the list, however, I did not do the other things I said (yet. I mean it's only half past 2). But I have been doing a different kind of tidying - finally, years later (I don't know how many years later) grabbing photographs from 'camera downloads' in dropbox, of archival documents I think I viewed in around 2015, and turning them into pdfs and putting them into dropbox for myself and my colleagues for our 2022 project. Quite satisfying work though I can never quite hit that sweet spot of executing repetitious tasks (save jpg as pdf with number then combine pdfs into file) mindlessly. 

Also in the camera downloads is a whole lot of really lovely pictures of Nancy from five years ago when we lived at Albion. I don't know what else to do with them so I'll put them here OK. Get ready for more. Really, I think the world needs as many Nancy photographs as can possibly exist.

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d4 the toffee apple man

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