Monday, January 03, 2022

a walk to footscray

I have been led to believe that this ditch is the original course of the Yarra, but it is now known as the 'Dynon Road Tidal Canal'. It is enough of a hang that there are worn pathways around it and I have to say that even though it is very close to, yes, Dynon Road it still manages to feel really creepy and weird and also a great place to dump a body. 
This vehicle just looks good, what can I say. 
Footscray buildings being built. It is hard to imagine that there are (going to be) enough people around who (will) want to live in these but I guess capitalism is usually correct. 
I do intend at some stage to go and photograph this whole fence. I would have done it today in fact but the way the sun was falling on it as I was walking past made the corrugations very distinct. This is one of those things though that you always think, 'one day that will just be gone and you won't have any record of it' and of course it's super important that it be recorded. By me. 

Through the window of Franco Cozzo, of course. It was closed when I went past, not that I would have gone in I suppose, who knows. 
The market's distinct aesthetic has been preserved really nicely I reckon. 

I'm surprised the old Forges store is still there doing nothing. I would really like to see that made into something new and usable. Well, tbh I would like Forges to still exist. 
I already forget what this is called, is it Metro West? Really cool place. Most of it closed when I was there (just after 10am). 
One of the shops which I assume didn't survive covid. This was on the Albert St corner. 

I also went to Kmart, Cheaper by Miles, KLF, Savers and I think that's about it. What exciting things will I do tomorrow?! 

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