Saturday, December 04, 2021


In a stupid, rash act which I don't really regret, I bought another guitar. I liked the look of it and how it felt to play it. It seemed somewhat easier to play than the guitar I've had for five or six years, it's another Epiphone. Of course 'easier to play' (ie for my tiny hands) is reductive, the more I play the new guitar the harder it'll be for me to play the old one. But I am enjoying it anyway. All I want to do is get into the habit of writing a song a week. It wouldn't really matter if they were versions of the same, the point is to keep them coming. My go-to chords (I'm sure I am not alone in this) are easy ones like E and Am and if I feel fancy, G. Hey, even B. 

I just think it's good for your brain, physically, to be doing things like this and drawing, as well, it's worth retaining/developing the skills. Also, I enjoy it, obviously, it's very absorbing and time goes really fast (which I don't necessarily want it to but it suggests that it's a deep process). I have no strong ambitions to take my music to the world (it's not that great. I do think about how, if I had actually learned to play guitar when I was 20, which I didn't because I was fearful a guitar teacher would try to make me learn Blowin' in the Wind, and it would be humiliating, rather than teach me how to play um Armalite Rifles or something, then I might have had the opportunity to write and record some songs that might have had some currency with some people in like 1989, but then, fuck it what difference does that make and I would also have had a stronger capacity to do some really embarrassing things too which I might well have). 

Trying to find a picture to illustrate this post I found there are a lot of people with the name Guitar, which surprised me, and made me wonder whether guitars are actually named for a person, but no they're not, according to wikipedia anyway the word guitar is derived from arabic via greek. So the name Guitar is either a complete coincidence? Or one of your ancestors played the guitar? I suppose the latter is more likely, but it's all still really confusing, although there should be a better word for it because 'really confusing' seems like, 'I'm holding my head, baffled, unable to do anything until I sort this out' rather than 'I'm a bit perplexed but I'm just not going to think about it anymore'. Instead, I'll go on to wondering what the hell 'thumb deaths' are. 

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