Saturday, December 11, 2021

it's saturday morning

Image pinched from this
You may remember my complaintsplanation a few years ago about why I was blogging so little, and it was the pathetic reason that it was so hard to log on. Blogger fixed that, now it's super easy. But for some reason - and this has nothing to do with Blogger and might be just related to my laptop? - I now can't use airdrop. Or has airdrop been superseded and no-one told muggins? I don't know. Anyway, it doesn't work. So I can't easily grab pictures off my phone, of things around me etc, and instead I have to email them to myself and that's a dragorama. And I do like to use a picture, now, though I didn't always. 

This week has been very busy, as I work hard on a possible new project that might be an enjoyable enterprise in historical study I'm very comfortable with and which is also very relevant to my day job. I won't jinx it by discussing it here. Also, nothing might come of it and then I will look back on this post in a few years and think, fuck my luck. 

What have you been doing? I've done a lot of work this week, but also found time to play my new guitar, pat the cats, buy some second hand shirts, eat too much sometimes and not enough other times, walk almost enough to maintain my 10 000 steps/day average (actually I think I probably have maintained that... I don't know... it got a bit confusing there with very long walks some days and tiny nothing walks in others). I saw a pretty great Finnish film called Any Day Now, which I fully recommend if you get the chance. I wish I had had time to read more, but I have certainly written a lot. And will continue to do so. 

By the way, what's your feeling about starting a sentence with 'And'? To tell you the truth, though I did it above, I did it mainly to see what it looked and felt like because generally speaking, I never do that. I actually think it's a shit move. I don't know if this was drilled into my head somehow by some herself-very-poorly-educated-but-that's-not-important-anyway-she's-probably-dead-now teacher, back in the 70s or whether I somehow happened on this rule on my own. Either way it feels dangerous and not in a good way. I also wonder, do you think blog posts need to adhere to conventions of argument construction, or can they just end in mid-thought. 


Person I want to be said...

Starting your sentence with "And" is totally ok for me. The week was awful. Today's week is fine, I bought a lit of books for Christmas holidays: Simon Reynolds Rip it up and start again, and the person who sold it to me translate it to Russian so I guess it's kinda cool. Also I bought Read and burn a book about Wire and Mute anthology or something. Got a lot of respects and so on. I'll hope they'll be good to read.

David said...

I mean if you start a sentence with 'And', why pretend it's a sentence, why not put a comma between the previous sentence and this one? That Simon Reynolds book is pretty good, so is the Wire book I guess although I was a little bothered that I read that whole book looking for the answer to how and why Annette Green was credited as the sole composer of 'Different to Me' on Pink Flag and getting no answer. It really annoyed me that no-one cared about that. I'm not saying she couldn't have been the composer (it wouldn't have been such a tough song to write) but there's no recognition of it as a cover version etc or how they came to record it. I know Green was married to Colin Newman at the time.

d4 the toffee apple man

  27 June 1973. I am not quite sure when it was - probably about season 3 - was the absolute worst Homicide episode, ending in a christmas s...