Wednesday, December 22, 2021

continually surprising myself

Apparently 16 years ago I told you I was working on a graphic novel and I know I've referred to this one since, so sorry about that, I don't really know what's been going on. I thought that when Steve Connell asked me to do a graphic novel last year it was the first time I'd ever seriously embarked on such a thing (though John Porcellino had asked me to do one sometime about 2005, 2006 I think and I just didn't feel I had time to commit to it - shame in hindsight though I probably did other things instead I don't recall). I am tinkering with the next one, which will be a great one, just writing the words and I counted up the characters (because I decided I would do a 'cast of characters' at the beginning, in case it was confusing) and found that there were 42, I mean of those, there are really only eight who are actually important, but they all have a role. This one is probably going to be about 170 pages long, I know it's not about the pages (and whether I will actually have the stamina, capacity, ability to get it done is yet to be seen) but that's what it looks like atm. I can't wait to see it.  


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d4 the toffee apple man

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