Thursday, February 14, 2013


Maybe it just has to be said out loud: I am not such a huge fan of Thursday as you might think. It seems to be the most characterless of the days. It's hard to get started on a Thursday, and the rewards are fewer. Money is worth less on a Thursday, and food tastes greasy. The air is thinner and the skies less blue. Every Thursday of my life, Tony Abbott has also existed in the world. I also do not like the combination of 'u' and 'r' and the noise it often makes in English.


comment for hire said...

From this store you hired Wake in Fright, Houseboat Horror, Urbanist Delight, Trouble in Metropolis, Diary of a Mad Housewife and What Private Benjamin did next (Goldie Hawn IS Richard Benjamin undertaking military service). You really wanted to hire Summerfield and The Conversation but both were always on loan and the store would not take reservations. Disgruntlement led to a cranky letter campaign which proceeded to be expressed on the store's facebook wall and then poor momnpop video store had to close down. Sorry for your loss and the length of this comment.

David said...

This comment is on the wrong post. COOL

John Medd said...

I can remeber a time when weekends used to start on Thursday.

Emily said...

I have heard it said that Thursday has a bad energy. Also, it is named after Thor so perhaps that is why you feel irritable - like you want to hit someone with a hammer.

d4 the toffee apple man

  27 June 1973. I am not quite sure when it was - probably about season 3 - was the absolute worst Homicide episode, ending in a christmas s...