Sunday, June 24, 2012

four days ago - publicity for the bogan delusion

How weird that exactly a year following the initial kerfuffle here I am again, revisiting quite a few of the same shows & people and giving my 2c worth on this bogan thing all over. The reason being that the Oxford English Dictionary has decided to include the word 'bogan' in its pages. I cannot believe this is a news story, but Affirm got onto me and people wanted to speak to me, so...
As it transpired, circumstances got a little in the way, because the day this was announced (someone really announced it?!) I was due to go to Canberra, but I was tying up stuff to make my departure in the early evening, so I was able when asked to drop into the ABC at Southbank yet again and have a little chat with Rafael Epstein. I then raced home to get a call from ABC South Australia, which meant me listening for a long time to their other guest - from the Macquarie - talk about bogan moths (pur-lease!) and then when I got on they said the phone line was so bad they had to dump me. This happened again an hour later when I was actually at the airport - this time on my mobile - and I was on the phone to Louise Maher on ABC Canberra; I barely got a sentence out and the phone cut out, which (I know that iPhones have a reputation) never normally happens. It was infuriating.
However, since I was going to Canberra anyway, they teed me up to come into their studio the next day. And I did, and met Louise Maher who was very nice, and we had a quick chat. During this discussion I stepped outside myself and came to fully appreciate that I really needed to get a new schtick, as I was getting a bit uncontained in my commentary (for instance a la Kath Day Knight I got in a simultaneous swipe and kudos to the Australian for a recent editorial on the failings of Fairfax and even though I tied it up with 'and the bogan is a tool in all that...' or words to that effect, let's face it I have said everything there is to say on this subject. Ditto an interview I'd done earlier in the morning with RTR in Perth where the interviewer was very cognisant of everything I'd said in my RTR interview last year... have I moved on? I sort of feel I have, but no-one else has, in this regard. That is an unfair thing for me to think, as the media simply reflects (I hope) society, and it was my job and no-one else's to get the world to move on, and I failed. But still...


Senior moments are made of these said...

You must have pressed your cheek too firmly against the glass of the IpHoNe and caused the disconnection. A common problem for older types with the new technology.

David said...

I did have my tongue in my cheek

smarmots said...

oh that's what they all say to cover unco "so uncool" moments. Anywaybetter in than out.

d4 the toffee apple man

  27 June 1973. I am not quite sure when it was - probably about season 3 - was the absolute worst Homicide episode, ending in a christmas s...