Sunday, February 06, 2011

facebook is fascinating

So there was an ad in the left hand column to stop 'Labor's mateship levy' which I clicked the x on - then you get a little questionnaire asking why you didn't want that ad, and I clicked the option of 'misleading' (as there wasn't the option 'conga line of suckholes'). I was then told that they appreciated my feedback, and then I got this ad:
...which is kind of the same idea but with a different approach. I exited facebook and came back and the ad was now for a hiatus hernia surgeon.


Ann ODyne said...

' the ad was now for a hiatus hernia surgeon' ... see? they care that you might be stressed by their spying on your thoughts.

Fbook is fascinating, though less fun since all the mySpacers floated over to US. I make sure I do more looking than writing though (OK, I confess, stalking not looking. FaceLook.

BREN LUKE said...

Ha! I did exactly the same thing when the ad raped my eyes. Except I chose 'offensive'

BREN LUKE said...

And changing your birthdate to 1905 only offers a few new ads for the centenarian demographic. They're much less annoying though. Which is nice.

way to drops!

I do believe I have bored you stupid (are you stupid yet?) with details on my attempts to at very least get my foot in the door with the Fin...