Tuesday, December 31, 2024

tl, don't r

I actually expected more from the 1920s press when it came to predicting 2025 but it seems no-one in (for instance) late 1924 saw it as particularly notable or interesting, either to cast some light on the first quarter of the 20th century or imagining more generally what the world a hundred years hence might look like... that said, oodles of newspaper.com users have been selecting and keeping the below features, no doubt for their own nefarious blogging purposes. 

I note that none of the below predictors, even wireless-world professor, imagined that when you typed in 2025 you would be bedevilled by incredibly irritating predictive text which would distract you with attempts to guess/suggest what you were going to type next. 

Sydney's World's News 21 March 1925 p. 48:

Tampa Daily Times 3 September 1925 p. 39:

Santa Barbara Morning Press 30 march 1929 p. 1. This item was syndicated all over the US so was clearly seen as a matter of importance? Good conversation starter? Good column filler? Who knows:

Lassen (California) Advocate 30 Jan 1925 p. 5:

Winston-Salem Journal 13 December 1925 p. 29:

Happy new year, in any case, to all my loyal readers and also the bots in Hong Kong, who are in some ways the loyalest of all. 

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d4 the toffee apple man

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