Tuesday, December 12, 2023

three is the stupidest number

I have covid again, my third time if I remember correctly. It's mild as (so far, anyway). I guess it's covid-23, also, it's like coffee or something else you already have experience of/tolerance to - just doesn't have the same impact of the first time. That's what that Pulp song was about, right? 

I had a lot of in-person meetings slated for Thursday none of which I can now do of course. I am mainly worried that I might not be able to get the many things I need to get done this week, done properly because I'll be fatigued. But I was fatigued today but I still achieved. So we'll see. 

This morning Perry and I woke up early (well I woke up and he was asleep then I woke him up) and we went for a walk through North and West Melbourne. I am a bit pissed off about my neighbourhood as it is all so familiar now I'm not feeling that inspired to wander thro' it, though tbf that really hit me today and maybz was the covid talking, or whispering in the background, before it formally identified itself. That picture above is a picture from that walk. We saw no-one, no-one. That building is really strange isn't it, far out of proportion to anything else over the road from North Melbourne station. At the moment, at any rate. If I were one of the quaint terraces on that block I'd be a bit nervous (though I guess we don't really know how inanimate items think about being returned to their component parts, maybe they love it). 

GEEZ Laura urged me, and she was right, to consult a doctor and so I went looking for my usual but she wasn't available till Thursday and I was hoping to get the antivirals, but there was this thing called um InstantScripts which specifically offered the possibility of prescribing antivirals with barely a doctor involved, you just had to send a picture of your test result. I mean wow. Anyway I signed up to it and it got really weird, firstly not recording anything I put in the form (and one question was strange - 'gender assigned at birth' - which, you know, what's the relevance of that, and also, does it tell anyone anything at all if you don't note any distinction between that and the gender you now have?) but then going through lists of the same questions again and again, without the option to answer any of them. So I thought, I'm de-signing out of this shitshow now. I think a bot was emailing me thereafter though I'm not sure. They offered me 5% off, lol, I don't know if they meant 5% off answering the same questions over and over or some kind of $ thing. Anyway I got a real doctor's appointment (by phone) tomorrow morning so all good. I suppose. Maybe. Next problem if I get the anti-v prescription is how to get them but I'll figure something out. I'm clever. 

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