Sunday, December 31, 2023

outer circle walk

Perry and I parked in Canterbury a few days ago and went for a walk to Kew along the Outer Circle trail. You may recall I blogged about this almost a decade ago, well, time for a refresh.

This is a mural in the Deepdene Primary School grounds. I want to know what's on the left. Are they three bricked-in tunnels? Because that would be weird. 

I'm not one to get awfully sentimental about my father's father, but I do like the idea that, as a young boy straight out of school and working his first job, he used to take the train along some part of this line.  I don't know what the job was. 

This is the Deepdene street library, not particularly inspiring...

Particularly once I had taken the most interesting looking book out of it...

I'll report back. If it's good. Or, if I actually read any of it. 

Here's the old briquette dispensary. You know this is now a cafe right? I have never frequented them because they're always closed when I visit, although the fact that they reputedly provided a publicity photo location for Josh Frydenburg at the last election makes me less keen to than I might otherwise be. 

This photograph is placed wrongly, next to Mont Albert Rd rather than Canterbury Road - so if you're not paying attention you think you could just stand back and imagine this was where that station was. But nah. It's about three minutes' walk south. 

Still the Outer Circle rail trail is pretty freakin' nice. I favour it.

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d4 the toffee apple man

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