Wednesday, December 14, 2022

perry update


With Perry my life is complete - I have the perfect girlfriend, two marvellous cats and now an amazing dog who appreciates me. Now don't tell Perry, he might get the wrong idea, but he is often a handful, which is why we (he and I) have settled on him going to doggy daycare twice a week, just so he can get some of his energy out and harangue/harass other dogs (and, I assume, be harangued/harassed in return). He is very opinionated though (for instance, at times he just doesn't want to go places, and will simply sit down or lie down) and he wants and expects things and, yeah, usually gets them. The end of an average day in this room usually sees a huge amount of stuff all over the floor - it's a fuckin' mess - he is particularly keen on chewing on sticks, and breaking bits off them, and also plastic rubbish like bottles and a watering can which he has basically demolished. 

That's all because he's a puppy, not because he's a cunt. In case you were wondering. He's only been alive for 3.5 months, whereas Scott Morrison, who is a cunt, has been alive for god knows how long but definitely long enough to know better, and has spent the day being grilled by a royal commission over robodebt and deflecting and whatabouting all over the shop. Slippery, no conscience whatsoever. I mean I'm not here to bash the religious but then again why not - people with his level of mindless religiosity should not be allowed in positions of responsibility, he just doesn't think he is accountable to anyone on Earth, only to his sky man, who lets him off the hook by telling him shit in his imagination. He was a rotten bunch of ministers and he's just, frankly, a revolting shitstain of a man. Every time he opens his mouth I know I'm going to hate what he says. Christ it's great he's no longer the PM. What a turkey.

Anyway, this was going to be Perry update. So, he's a wonderful dog with a lot of personality and a lot of ideas, and a strong predilection for hanging round with other dogs, or barking at them or putting his arms on their shoulders (if they're big) and biting their necks sometimes in a way that I have to say kind of looks extremely disturbing but never actually seems to bother them much, so he must have a secret way of doing it so it doesn't hurt. 

He hasn't yet hit all the marks, i.e. he does occasionally protest piss inside, and he won't always come when called, because he's got a personality. But he does go peacefully into his cage at night, and is always happy to meet new people and travel in the car and go to new places etc - I'm very pleased he's here and he's mine.  

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