Sunday, December 04, 2022

auckland a week ago - sunday 27 november

Sometimes when you upload pictures they upload backwards, sometimes forwards. I'm frankly too tired to cut and paste these not very interesting images. But this is the upshot of today: 

Half a day of conference; fieldwork; walking around looking at things etc. 
This was the whisky I had at Te Atatu which signified for me, the turning point of the whole trip where I would thereafter concentrate only on getting home again. It's going to be quite a process (but worth it of course). 
Just in case you ever wondered what New Zealanders call supermarket trolleys. I like this term better. 
Superior op shop art. 
This place. I didn't eat there. 
This place. I couldn't have eaten there if I'd wanted to. It was closed. I think permanently. I don't know what on earth a Rugby Cake is, do you? 

Went to the art gallery and probably wasn't really meant to be photographing these pretty superior works by Robin White. They also had a Frieda Kahlo exhibition but I didn't go to that. I was all about the local experience. 

So that's my Auckland adventures from a week ago. Thank you to Laura for coordinating and caring for Perry, above and beyond, without a doubt. I will forever be grateful. 

Now I have to go to sleep (at 5:30 pm) wake up at 2am get in a taxi at 2:30 and go to the airport and faff around for three hours before the plane takes off at 6am. Wish me luck. 

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d4 the toffee apple man

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