Wednesday, June 02, 2021

adventures in spotify


So first things first Spotify NO NO NO after I finish enjoying Waiting I don't repeat DO NOT want to hear the first Fun Boy Three album. I can't even imagine why you would think I would, or indeed why anyone would!!! I am also really repelled by your smooth move from me listening to seventies Todd Rundgren (was it 'Fade Away' maybe?) to presenting some John Cale song to me. Who the fuck do you think you and I are? And then craziness - I go to listen to the Closed Circuits compilation I did a few years ago and instead of starting on the first song, first side, you go straight to Karen Marks. Why would you do that?! 

So I took advantage of having spotify to listen to some of McCartney III. I thought, it's really messed up this time playing this song as the first song. But 'Long Tailed Winter Bird' actually is the first song. That is mental. Then I switched to listening to Use No Hooks. I grabbed it off the record shelf a few days ago with the intention to listen to it again as I wasn't that impressed the first time around. This was the first time I had really, really listened to the version of 'Spoonful' on that album. It sucks so bad. Question is, when something on an album really really sucks, and you know it sucks and you think that possibly the group knows it sucks, indeed the point might have been 'let's make something that sucks', does it suck more? Or less? Or the same? 

Back to Waiting, I just want to say, it is a really great album with a great sound (David Byrne production). Whereas the first album sounds like it was recorded on a grimy 4-track with three grimy ideas, the second one is almost on par with the second Specials album (and conceptually similar I would say, in some respects). The troubling bit is 'Well Fancy That' which seems to flippantly deal with child abuse and I've heard Terry Hall talk about the experience the song is based on and he was somewhat flippant then too, which is his prerogative. 

This afternoon coming back from the shop I dropped in to look at my new home (2 weeks to go basically). I mean all I could see was the front garden, such as it is. 

I will soon be calling that trellis mine for real. I must come back earlier in the morning and see how much sunlight there is maximally. To tell Nancy.


lucy tartan said...

Would you like me to show you how to turn off autoplay in Spotify

lucy tartan said...

Would you like me to show you how to turn off autoplay in Spotify

lucy tartan said...

Would you

lucy tartan said...

Would you

David said...

Can I still complain about it

David said...

C-a-n I s-t-i-l-l c-o-m-p-l-a-i-n a-b-o-u-t i-t

d4 the toffee apple man

  27 June 1973. I am not quite sure when it was - probably about season 3 - was the absolute worst Homicide episode, ending in a christmas s...