Saturday, April 24, 2021


Welcome to a great new concept, nogress, which is of course not the opposite of progress (that would be regress I think) but just stasis. So maybe I should call it 'stasis'.

One is suspended in an extraordinary web of competing forces, for instance, Nancy always starts to agitate to be fed about an hour and a half before her afternoon mealtime (5pm) and half an hour before her morning mealtime (6am). Both agitations are super irritating, but the morning one, of jumping on the bed and running around and jumping off (and being very annoyed if caught, like, 'you don't get it, I'm hungry') is particularly fucked. Anyway, I have to always be pushing back on this and it drains psychic energy.

The Matrimony album Kitty Finger is about to be reissued in a remastered version on Kill Rock Stars again, I think sometime this year. I saw in I think today's Guardian or somewhere a piece on the origins of the label and some of its stars, Matrimony not mentioned, but it bodes well for the publicity/interest the album might get 32 years later. I am torn between wanting some involvement in the publicity as one of the album's facilitators and knowing that it's not my place to tell my perspective really (but the people in the band, as far as I'm aware, have not really told their stories at all. So...). 

When I said 'So...' I guess I was thinking along the lines of, 'So someone's got to'. But that's also not true. No-one's got to. Indeed, maybe the mystery is better. 

Also, since I am not a patriot, why do I care about one of the key taglines, eg 'Actually, both grunge and riot grrl have Australian precedents'. It's arcane anyway. I have to admit, I want some of the reflected glory from being lucky enough to help make the Matrimony album happen, purely by dint of channeling funds, and not my funds either. That said my part in it is a boring story really and I think I have probably told it here before. I'm more interested in the surviving members of the band telling their story and it becoming an amazing movie. 

Relatedly: as probably also mentioned here once before, Flame Fortune recorded a track to be included on the album, which was jettisoned late in the piece. The Flame story would be a great tragic aspect of the film, her relationship with Sybilla and also with Sean Keogh, it will all be so great. 

John Cusack (assuming he is still aged 25) can play me in 1988. It's OK it's only a cameo so he doesn't have to be his 25-year-old self for long.  

1 comment:

lucy tartan said...

I’m ashamed on behalf of both Bernard Zuel and James Bradley, although maybe it’s nice to live in a perpetually moving window of total amnesia for anything that happened more than three weeks ago.

d4 the toffee apple man

  27 June 1973. I am not quite sure when it was - probably about season 3 - was the absolute worst Homicide episode, ending in a christmas s...