Saturday, April 24, 2021

i really just don't know (box of crap)

So you remember the big box of crap? I got to a certain level in it and I was like, OK that'll do (pig). But today I was a bit gripped by a checkout fever, for instance, I threw away a few jumpers that 'the cat' had clawed up (they were old anyway) and some shirts and shoes, etc, into the brotherhood bin. Then I thought I'd tackle the box of crap a bit more, and found a lot of (bizarre!) blank A4 paper, and a bunch of unopened mail (bank statements, etc) from about ten years ago, and old train tickets and receipts - all very throwawayable even if they hadn't been on that thermal paper that rendered them virtually unreadable. Anyway then I found the above - the complete layout of a comic book with two stories, one by me (done in, lol, MacPaint or something similar) and one by Gregory Mackay I am a bit blown away that I actually got Gregory to donate or create something especially for a comic book... it's very cool. But did I ever publish the fucking thing? Seriously did I? There must have been some copies but then what happened? This comic book has everything but a front cover. I must burrow down into the crap a little more and maybe a finished version will be there. I should print it up and make it the only thing available on a website. That would be hilarious. 

By the way those Fastidious Frog comics totally wrote themselves, which was a bit scary really.  

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