Saturday, December 28, 2013

phd thesis notes doodles #1

At the age of 31 in 1996 I began my PhD thesis. It was a time of extraordinary activity and possibilities (many of which were realised in one way or another). A few weeks ago I found some early notes for the PhD - possibly not the first notebook which I think had a spine explosion during use (it was a 'yellow pad') but maybe the second. The notes themselves, mainly in pen or pencil (I guess laptops cost a billion dollars in 1996, anyway, I didn't have one) were actually quite interesting but what  I want to share with you is the doodles on the various dividers in the notebook.

I can't really understand why I was doodling in there, because obviously (?) most of the time I was taking notes, but I was being very prolific with the drawings. Go figure. I'll put some up over the next few days OK.

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