Wednesday, September 28, 2011

potato synonyms

'The report of the Potato Synonym Committee of the National Institute of Agricultural Botany for 1937 shows that as a result of their activities the offering of synonyms in the largest seedsmen's catalogues has now been practically eliminated.

'Two synonyms, however, namely Cherub and Lord Allendale, which were found to be identical with Duke of York and King Edward (red type) respectively, when grown at Ormskirk last year, are again being offered for sale this year. Apart from these, Midlothian Early, Sir John Llewellyn and Factor as still found in some catalogues. It is hoped that seedsmen will make it clear that they are identical with Duke of York, Eclipse and Up-to-Date.

'Dr. Salaman and his Committee are to be congratulated on the outcome of their work which they have carried out so well for many years.'

National Allotments Journal: Official Organ of the National Allotments Society, Limited No. 35 Spring 1938 p. 23

Wednesday, September 21, 2011

carrot whisky


6 lbs carrots
1 gallon water
4 lbs. sugar
A tablespoon raisins
1 lb. wheat
1 oz. yeast
2 lemons
2 oranges


1. Wash the carrots well, but do not peel. Put into the water and bring to the boil then simmer gently until the carrots are very tender. Use the carrots for food, and strain the water.
2. Into a bowl put the sugar, sliced oranges and lemons and pour over the hot liquid. Stir until the sugar is dissolved and then stand until lukewarm.
3. Then add the chopped raisins, wheat and sprinkle the yeast on top. Leave to ferment 15 days.
4. Then skim, strain and bottle. Keep almost a year.

Monday, September 19, 2011

parsnip sherry


4 lbs parsnips
1/2 oz. hops
1/2 lb malt
1 gallon water
4 lbs. Demerara sugar
1 oz. yeast; a large slice toast


1. Clean the parsnips but do not peel them (weigh after cleaning). Cut into slices and boil gently in half the water until parsnips are tender, then strain.
2. Put the hops in the remaining water and boil until all the goodness is extracted. Strain and add the liquids together.
3. Stir in it 1/2 lb. malt and all the sugar. Spread the yeast on toast and add to the bowl when lukewarm.
4. Let it ferment 14 days then skim and bottle, corking loosely.

Sunday, September 18, 2011

daisy wine


4 quarts of small field daisy blossoms
1 gallon boiling water
2 lemons
2 oranges
2 lbs. brown sugar
1/2 lb. raisins
1 oz yeast


1. Put the daisies in a bowl and cover with the boiling water. Stand until next day, then squeeze the daisies out.
2. Then boil gently the liquid, sliced lemons, oranges and sugar together for 20 minutes. Allow to cool to lukewarm.
3. Add the chopped raisins and stir the yeast in (it should be first dissolved in a little warm water). Leave to ferment 14 days.
4. Then skim, strain and bottle.

Friday, September 16, 2011

can't sleep

Do you ever have those times when you wake up at 3 am and you're just awake? I hate that. Although I would generally speaking rather be awake than asleep, because life is such an amazing rich cavalcade of thoughts and feelings. The reason I hate it is that I know I will 'pay for it' later. Probably at about 3 pm, when I feel sick with weariness (I nearly wrote 'exhaustion', but that would be an inaccurate term; exhaustion is when you've done something strenuous other than just sit/stand upright).

Tuesday, September 06, 2011

farewell a&r

The Angus and Robertson store in Camberwell, temprorarily still a bookshop (for Dirt Cheap Books) but basically the skeleton of what was a very long-lived and now like many others dead book retail outlet. The remnants (signs, etc) of a Borders branch is across the road.

d4 the toffee apple man

  27 June 1973. I am not quite sure when it was - probably about season 3 - was the absolute worst Homicide episode, ending in a christmas s...