Saturday, February 20, 2010

mavis 1909-2010

My grandmother Mavis died yesterday morning after a short illness. Her last words were 'can I go now?'*
I was close to her particularly in the 1960s as she looked after me a lot then the take-home message from those days as relayed to me was her trying to stop me running into everyone's driveway. It is very sad to see her go, but we were certainly all aware that she was hoping to go, with her faculties essentially intact, and not a nuisance to anyone. She did not need glasses to read the paper.

*I'm creating a myth here, or trying to. She said some other things, I've been told, on the same general topic and this encapsulates the sentiment.


BwcaBrownie said...

Condolences from me dear Crescent.
often we are fonder of our grand-parents than of our parents.
Her mighty age is impressive - I hope you have her historic descriptions to cherish.
Your masthead image is lovely and appropriate too.

shhh... said...

Dear David,
I've been thinking about Mavis since you posted, but have been unsure of what would be apposite to post. So I'll start with that: I've been thinking of Mavis since you posted, and you too. They're full thoughts of sorrow but also of joy and celebration; the insight and pleasure drawn from an adult relationship with a fine old lady is a precious thing.
I'm also pleased that she gave up on her quest to keep you out of other people's driveways. In fact I'm sure she was too. I can imagine she later championed such adventures (and gave them pride of place in her grandmother's brag book!) Warm thoughts to you, A

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