It'd be nice to have some information on what exactly is being planned for Broady station aside from 24-hr piping of 'He's so shy' and 'Uptown girl' etc to the station platforms and the recent demolition of the waiting room (rather a vainglorious name, at least, the 'room' part) as at the moment only the occasional warble of 'He's so shy' and/or 'Let's hear it for the boy' (god that's an empowering song) can be heard above the sound of demolition as platform 1 is slowly chipped into obscurity.

I see Broady is second only to Bendigo as hoon capital of Victoria
What fuckwit said that
I haven't checked but it looks like a new station going in at Meadows Heights halfway between Broady and the shopping centre up the road.
Having lived in Bendigo it is indeed true that anywhere in Australia woudl be beaten in a car hoon competition by the Bendigo drivers.
There is a new station. Coolooroo. For all those people who thought Coolooroo seemed really cool (hence the name) in The Castle. Actually Coolooroo is nowhere near Tullamarine (well it's more near than some places). Joke will be on them. Although it is a pretty nifty part of town.
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