Monday, July 07, 2008

yes it was a good weekend thank you

It was a good weekend, seriously, the weather was nice (canberran, cold yet sunny) and I had a really nice time at the Lurid Yellow Mist launch on Saturday night, though unfortunately tension, nerves, or schoolboy exuberance prompted me to give Olivia the finger in a silly way just like I said fuck you to Kellie the day before at Guy's birthday. What a baby. Anyway. Saturday I bought two apricot trees, one for us and one for Julian's birthday, it's kind of a bad present an apricot tree inasmuch as, it didn't come with an offer to dig the freakin' hole to plant it, though I did get some compost to go with it. I also got Nicola H. a birthday present only ended up not seeing her as she had a cold and her birthday breakfast was cancelled. We had a good breakfast this morning at a cafe in North Melbourne after being turned away from two pompous bugger cafes in Carlton - who cares. And I finished the Richard and Mimi Farina book by David Hajdu which was tops even though he is pretty nasty to poor Donovan. As long as he keeps being nasty (or fair) to Dylan I'm cool with it. I can't remember what else happened on the weekend but it was OK.

Hey do you ever listen to Dirty Deeds on RRR? It's a truly wonderful gardening show and I recommend it. You can podcast it here. Enjoyable even if you don't have a garden (Annabel) or care about gardening (well, that's probably me - no I do care - actually I care more all the time). Bye!


boy moritz said...

that was some cold ass shit you gave to olivia

Anonymous said...

I am a fan of Gardening Australia on Channel 2 and quite partial to Shirley Stackhouse books.

Anonymous said...

I was fooled by that logic, loves public transport - hates smokers ruse. The real David emerges from the shadows. When was the last time you heard anyone say, "It was raining like Billy Oh last Friday night before we went to the school social at 'The Toff In Town' don't you know." I think it was Dave from 'The Sullivans'.

much love,

Anonymous said...

Dave Sullivan should have been so entertaining, not to mention blessed with Edwardian banter.

Anonymous said...

excellent numbers story. i even printed it out - they both had great comments/opinions. i didn't know that site existed! which depressed me as i am so out of touch. sent 8 chapters off & they like them! what else can i write about? aren't you in chicago or sumthing governer?

d4 the toffee apple man

  27 June 1973. I am not quite sure when it was - probably about season 3 - was the absolute worst Homicide episode, ending in a christmas s...