Monday, March 03, 2025

d4 the toffee apple man


27 June 1973. I am not quite sure when it was - probably about season 3 - was the absolute worst Homicide episode, ending in a christmas sing-song with George Mallaby on guitar. Well, this is D4's idea of a housewarming party (for Marg). When was the last time you went to a part where the only music was what came out of an acoustic guitar? Well, you're lucky. 

Sunday, March 02, 2025

division 4: 'sweet kid, good familiy'

Good solid episode with all the tension, kitchen sink drama and satisfying (if a bit sad) ending we have all come to expect from D4. 

What grabbed me the most though was the great pleasure of seeing Louise Homfrey in more than just a 'keep that noise down' role. She plays a boarding house landlady with a theatrical past. If I were writing a biography of Louise Homfrey the way some people write biographies of Margaret Dumont, I would definitely use the line she gives early in the piece regarding 'every night lights, the applause, I never missed a performance, not one, oh I was in great demand.'

These are a couple of her more unsavoury boarders who, guess what, are crims. 

One more thing to say about this one - don't get me wrong, it's great, but it's not especially great - is that for some reason it begins with the old credit sequence, abandoned a few months previously. Wonder what that was about. 

Age 20 June 1973 p. 28. 

The episode was shown in Sydney about five weeks earlier - 2 May. 

Saturday, March 01, 2025

please end summer, you suck

Not only will summer ending be a good thing in itself but it will reduce the number of summers before we see a conclusion, for there must be a conclusion, to the right-wing insanity of much of the world at the moment. IE the end of summer will be a hurdle. Indeed if we see, as we surely must, Trump's power reduced at the US midterms in um 2027, then we really only have one full summer to get through. 

I have made a decent writerly space for myself on my small balcony which actually works well although the wifi is not always brilliant (but still, it gets there more or less). It was a junk space for years and I will most definitely sometime be locked out there you bet but I also find it very good for getting stupid little things done, like today I finessed my first lecture of the year. This is the so-called view from the balcony - pretty ridiculous I suppose, though it is definitely trees (and slightly miserable pot plants which I water lovingly every day). 

Mouldy cat picture rescued from a street in Flemington, plant Laura didn't want anymore and I did. 
The loyal animals nearby: Helms
Nancy - very much in repose
Perry - he stays close
Books for me to read while I wait for someone to come and rescue me when I get locked out on the balcony, which will definitely happen one day before too long. 

d4 the toffee apple man

  27 June 1973. I am not quite sure when it was - probably about season 3 - was the absolute worst Homicide episode, ending in a christmas s...