Sunday, February 16, 2025

yet another sentimental journey

So for actual work reasons (book chapter I'm writing, I get paid for this) I watched quite a bit of the first season of Aunty Jack this weekend. I watched the whole of the first ('pilot') episode and bits and pieces of all the others. I was actually really impressed by it, on the whole, and the weirdest part of that is I remember watching most of these a couple of decades ago - or whenever the DVDs came out, it was a while ago - and finding them a bit tortuous. But no. It's actually pretty good. I have previously told you  the amazing news that Aunty Jack debuted on the ABC the same night that Monty Python was first shown (but earlier) and I still find that incredible (also, possibly I watched them both - I certainly remember watching Monty Python when we lived in Kew and that was 1972). 

One of the important things about Aunty Jack is that it is definitely Australian but the jokes are not jokes about Australia per se, or things Australians do. That's interesting. Also, another interesting thing, I heard Tony Martin say on Sizzletown a few weeks ago that he was inspired to do The Olden Days and Bargearse from watching What's Up Tigerlily? which makes sense but what I didn't know, but surely he does now because he knows a lot, is that there is a lo-o-ong sketch in Aunty Jack - I think it might be the last episode of season 1? which is an old roman (?) war epic completely dubbed the same way. 

This weekend was not bad, particularly because it was not superfucking hot, though it's going to get hot again towards the end of the week which sucks IMO. But overall, not unhappy. Laura and I watched Starstruck which is always good to see. Perry and I went for a longish walk. 

He made a friend. How jolly!

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d4 the toffee apple man

  27 June 1973. I am not quite sure when it was - probably about season 3 - was the absolute worst Homicide episode, ending in a christmas s...