Sunday, April 23, 2023

homicide s11 e24 'no rhyme or reason'

This episode of Homicide which was shown 9 July 1974 includes a few shots of Cockatoo Hall - possibly including interiors. I don't know where this building specifically was (it appears to be on a main road and next to some shops) but I do know that in 1981 the Shire of Pakenham was hoping to rebuild it. Don't know whether they did or not but the 1983 bushfire probably put paid to whatever was there in that year.* 
Age 9 May 1981 p. 103

The episodes from around this time are pretty good (if grim). Lots of interesting locations as well including (for instance) a block of flats on the corner of Thistle and Richardson, Essendon (episode S11 E23).

Clearly McBride St Cockatoo, but looking at it now on Google maps I can't see any - and indeed I can't figure out where there were ever - shops on McBride St. 

*update 27/4/23 - I posted that picture on a Cockatoo facebook page and a few people had firsthand accounts of seeing it burn down in 1983. 

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d4 the toffee apple man

  27 June 1973. I am not quite sure when it was - probably about season 3 - was the absolute worst Homicide episode, ending in a christmas s...