Sunday, January 22, 2023

the mightymite mystery

Something about Mightymite, which is my preferred alternative to Vegemite, a product which I find hard to take for some strange reason considering I am dinky-di. Mightymite promotes itself as a gluten free alternative ('Mightymite was formulated and launched to give Australians the chance to buy an Australian Made, Gluten Free Yeast Spread' the website claims) although I know it's been around much longer* than 'gluten free' was a thing, if you know what I mean - well if you don't, I mean people who can't tolerate gluten had a raw deal for a long time, and my recollection is that it's only in the last ten years that 'gluten free' has been a major marketing storyline on 'mainstream' products. I reckon that Mightymite was launched when there was controversy regarding the ownership of Vegemite by Kraft, even though that had been a reality since at least 1953. A-a-a-nyway that's not important. Neither is what I'm about to say:

I still love Mightymite, but I am surprised to find that for the first time - at least the first time I've ever noticed it - a bit of liquid is forming in my Mightymite over time, enough that I can tip a few drips of it out into the sink every week or so. It doesn't seem to make any difference to the product i.e. what's left behind doesn't dry out or anything. There must be a subtly different recipe though. Doesn't taste any different. This has now happened in two jars in a row.

They should make a comic book out of the kangaroo on the label and all the amazing things he can do with his big, blue nonsense flag. I'd pay to see that. 

* Apparently it's been around since 2001. So maybe I'm wrong about that. 

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