Sunday, October 02, 2022

sorry not sorry

So for no reason yesterday I started messing with another AI programme (I say 'another' like I've told you about the last time I tried. I didn't tell you. When I was in Perth though I downloaded an ai image generator programme and used it for a few days. I wasn't totally disgusted with what it created but I was underwhelmed. For some reason or as I said no reason, yesterday I went back and chose a random new app for this purpose and really got into it in a big way. It's so addictive! 

Each prompt (eg kittens in a blimp over the jungle in the style of... Frederick McCubbin, Stanley Spencer etc) generates four images, and I must admit I have saved far more than I should have, notwithstanding saving them is a matter of a thumb twitch. But I haven't even really had time to look at them all properly, and some are incredible. 

Here are fifteen for you to think about. I'll upload more later, airdrop is being a dick right now. 

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d4 the toffee apple man

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